
Grand Cereal Limited Practice Past Questions

  • Unlimited online practice | 1000+ Questions & Worked Answers
  • Original price was: €39.Current price is: €19.

    Access Grand Cereal Limited Aptitude Test Past Questions on the go. Practice the latest Dragnet online test in a mock test environment and gain the needed confidence and skills required to pass the test.

    What you will get;

    • Fast Focused Practice Proven to Improve Your Test Skills.
    • Master the most commonly repeated questions pattern
    • See Explanation to every problem and review each test you have taken with our Review Tool
    • Questions kept up to date and refreshed
    • Worked solutions included for every question
    • Online timed test simulator for realistic practice
    • Practice mode! and Real Exam mode? You decide how you want to prep.

    We also provide you an option  to get PDF download booklets for offline viewing. You can choose which option you prefer.

    Download PDF Version

Study Pack Description

Grand Cereal Limited Practice Past Questions 2024

Grand Cereal Limited Practice Past Questions is designed to help you prepare adequately for your job test.

Working with Grand Cereal Limited Aptitude Tests can offer you a great start or shift in your career. However, with the thousands of applications received during recruitment, Grand Cereal Limited Aptitude Tests, necessarily, employs a thorough screening process to select the best of applicants for job positions.

At MyJobtests, we can help you prepare and pass through the recruitment stages of Grand Cereal Limited’s DRAGNET Aptitude tests.

Our TestPacks include study guides, hundreds of practice questions designed to help you pass the aptitude test. This will help you to:

  • Study in advance with MyJobtest’s PrepPacks
  • Access timed tests that will improve your performance

About Grand Cereal Limited

Grand Cereals Limited (GCL), a subsidiary of UAC of Nigeria PLC, is an integrated foods company whose primary activity is the creation of superior value from local raw materials to produce and deliver superior quality brands in the animal feed, edible oils, breakfast cereals, pet food and other intermediate and consumer cereals products to Nigeria and West Africa markets.


Further to your application for the Grand Cereals Limited Graduate Trainee Programme, you will be scheduled for an online aptitude test.

The aptitude test has three (3) sections:

  • Verbal Reasoning,
  • Numerical Reasoning and
  • Abstract Reasoning.

Total time is around 50 minutes.

Afterwards this stage, you will take the performance verification test at a test center before the oral interviews.

Dragnet aptitude tests are usually very intimidating and stressfull if you are not familiar with them. For years, Dragnet tests have knocked out a lot of first class candidates, and some average candidates who are not really maths/calculation masters have passed their tests. The secret is adequate information and the right preparation. This online practice pack give you a mock testing experience before the real test day. With this, you are able to assess yourself and develop the skills required to pass the test.


Please ensure you complete ALL the following steps at least 24 hours before the test date:

  1. Please go to to check your system suitability
  2. You are required to Click here to download a special browser (Safe Exam Browser) which is mandatory before your test. This should be done on a computer running Windows 10 or above. After downloading the browser, run the installer and complete the installation wizard.


Your test details will be sent to you via dragnet. If you cannot find the invitation email, you can check your email SPAM folder.


  1. The test will be administered via the internet and will require the following:

o   A good internet connection

o    Pen/Pencils

o   A computer with functional Webcam. Please ensure your Windows operating system is activated.

o   A valid ID card e.g. Work ID, International Passport, ID-Card, National ID, or Driver’s License

o   At least 1 hour without interruption in a quiet environment.

  1. Ensure your network and battery are in good condition before starting the test.
  2. Ensure no materials or books/persons laying/hanging around, phones, other gadget/smart devices or anything that gives off as malpractice is found within 360degrees scanning of your environment. Note that the use of earphones or headsets is prohibited.
  3. Please perform all guided pre-test activities. Ensure there is enough light in the room.
  4. Ensure your environment is quiet, kindly put all devices away, including calculators.
  5. This test is automatically monitored hence any violation will be recorded.
  6. Your Username and password are on this email and will be required to access the test.
  7. Kindly log on to  on an updated Chrome or Firefox Browser using your username or password to access your test at the test start date and time noted above. The notification below will be displayed if you fail to login at the test date and start time stated above: “You are not currently scheduled for an assessment.”
  1. Your Username is not case sensitive however; your password is case sensitive. Once successfully logged in, click on the “Take Test” button to commence your test.
  2. Upon login, read through the instructions and then click on the linkspecified on the testing platform to launch your assessment and insert your password a second time. Please note that once launched, access to all other applications on your computer system will be restricted so ensure you have your password ready.
  3. All applications should be closed while working on the test. Any application opened during the test will be auto-recorded.
  4. Once your test has commenced, a timer will be located at the top-right corner of the screen which would indicate total time left to complete the test.
  5. Please DO NOT at any time leave your computer.
  6. For the multiple-choice assessments, there would be question numbers at the bottom of your screen which would change color as you progress through the test.
  7. A red colored number indicates a question which has not been answered, while green indicates a question which has been answered.
  8. At the end of your test, the display on the screen would read “Test Submitted Successfully”. “Error in submission” notification at the end of the test is as a result of a poor internet connection. Please do notclose the test window. Try to submit again while ensuring that your network is stable.
  9. Please ensure you are using a stable internet connection throughoutthe duration of the test. In the event of an internet disruption during the test, do not close the test window as this will prematurely end the test without submission of your activity and you will be unable to login again. Instead, check your internet source and try to ensure that it is stable.

Please do not use a mobile phone for this test.


Grand Cereal Limited Interview Questions

During the interview, the questions below might be asked. Therefore, prepare good answers in advance.

  • Walk me through your CV.
  • Which qualities make you a prime candidate for this role?
  • What do you know about Grand Cereal Limited in particular?
  • What would your previous bosses say about you?

Disclaimer: Grand Cereal Limited is NOT affiliated with MyJobtests or this website.


Frequently Asked Questions

The questions on myjobtests unlike many other online practice websites are based on actual past questions. The likelihood for repetition is very high. However, there is no guarantee that they will be repeated. We only assure you that the test format will closely look like what you have practised on our platform.

All practice test packs purchased on our platform remain accessible to the user for 12months.

On website, questions are only available online in both step-by-step/practice mode and real exam mode. However, we do offer downloadable version of these questions on our main website, This is a separate product, and you will have to pay separate price for the download version.

For each company, we have an extensive questions bank covering at least ten previous years. Each time you start practice, questions are shuffled to better simulate the test-taking conditions.

To access your practice tests, log in to your account, click here. Then navigate to premium tests.

Yes, we provide 24-hour support via WhatsApp (+234 708 982 2357) and email to We usually respond within 30 minutes Monday to Friday (07:00 - 19:00 GMT+1).

Click on Start Practicing. For Nigerians, we offer online payment options via Paystack and Gladepay platforms, and also via bank transfers. For Non-Nigerian/ International users, you can pay securely online via PayPal or STRIPE 3-D Secure payment gateway.

All our packs are covered by a 30-day No-questions-asked refund policy provided they meet the terms and conditions for refund.


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