
AMCAT Aptitude Test Practice Questions

  • Unlimited online practice | 1000+ Questions & Worked Answers
  • Original price was: ₦3,900.Current price is: ₦1,900.

    You can now access AMCAT Aptitude Test Past Questions on the go. Practice online on your devices at your pace and time. This is the online companion for the AMCAT Test Prep E-Book, which allows you assess your preparation and puts you in right shape for the examination.

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Study Pack Description

AMCAT Aptitude Test Practice Questions 2024

At MyJobtests, we can help you prepare and pass the AMCAT. Our TestPacks include study guides, hundreds of practice questions designed to help you pass the aptitude test. This will help you to:

  • Study in advance with MyJobtest’s PrepPacks
  • Access timed tests that will improve your performance

About AMCAT  

AMCAT is an employability test for people who are in search of job opportunities. It showcases your employability quotient to companies hiring through AMCAT. Obtaining a decent score in AMCAT exam, will make you eligible to apply for jobs in companies you’re your AMCAT certification.

Exam Benefits

  • AMCAT is used by 800+ companies to hire both freshers and experienced candidates.
  • You get job recommendations from top companies based on your AMCAT exam score.
  • AMCAT provides feedback on assessment of strengths, weaknesses to help you improve your performance.
  • AMCAT ensures equal job opportunities, there is no percentage criteria or college criteria, only criteria is your test score.

AMCAT’s Assessment Scope

The AMCAT features question types that closely reflect the kind of thinking required at work.

Verbal Reasoning: To analyze texts and draw conclusions from the discourse. To grasp the contextual meanings of words, sentences, and entire texts.

Quantitative Aptitude: Measures the ability to understand, interpret and analyze quantitative information, solve problems using mathematical models, and apply the basic concepts of arithmetic, algebra and data analysis.

Logical Reasoning: Measures logical thinking and decision making, including the ability to identify patterns, analyze data, and examine claims.

Personality Inventory: Measures skills related to people-interaction and people-management. The test is designed based on the five-factor model or the Big 5 Personality traits to measure skills related to people-interaction and people-management

Subject/Domain Specific Tests: AMCAT also measures your knowledge of a particular subject of work. The Subject tests can help you stand out from other applicants by emphasizing your knowledge and skill level in a specific area.


  • Prospective graduated job applicants seeking jobs in IT or Non-IT companies.
  • Experienced candidates who are looking out for job opportunities.


Disclaimer: AMCAT is NOT affiliated with MyJobtests or this website.

Frequently Asked Questions

The questions on myjobtests unlike many other online practice websites are based on actual past questions. The likelihood for repetition is very high. However, there is no guarantee that they will be repeated. We only assure you that the test format will closely look like what you have practised on our platform.

All practice test packs purchased on our platform remain accessible to the user for 12months.

On website, questions are only available online in both step-by-step/practice mode and real exam mode. However, we do offer downloadable version of these questions on our main website, This is a separate product, and you will have to pay separate price for the download version.

For each company, we have an extensive questions bank covering at least ten previous years. Each time you start practice, questions are shuffled to better simulate the test-taking conditions.

To access your practice tests, log in to your account, click here. Then navigate to premium tests.

Yes, we provide 24-hour support via WhatsApp (+234 708 982 2357) and email to [email protected]. We usually respond within 30 minutes Monday to Friday (07:00 - 19:00 GMT+1).

Click on Start Practicing. For Nigerians, we offer online payment options via Paystack and Gladepay platforms, and also via bank transfers. For Non-Nigerian/ International users, you can pay securely online via PayPal or STRIPE 3-D Secure payment gateway.

All our packs are covered by a 30-day No-questions-asked refund policy provided they meet the terms and conditions for refund.


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Good quality.The product is firmly packed.Good service.Very well worth the money.Very fast delivery.